Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Are you ready to blog?

Blogging can be a lot of fun.  But with any form of communication we have to watch what we say and do online.  Here are some blogging dos and don'ts.

#1:  Fair Comment and Criticism--this protects a journalist's publised option. DO state and express your opinions, but DON'T be malevolent.  Yes you are protected, but someone once said, "Do onto others as you would want them to do onto you."  If you don't want to be "bashed" about something you said, did or wrote--don't do it to others.

#2  Ethics--DO have ethics (moral principles).  Be honest and fair.  DON'T use slander or false statements/material that might offend someone.

Commenting on a blog is crucial.  Check out what these 3rd graders learned about commenting on Mrs. Yollis' Classroom Blog.

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